NetSys 2019

March 18 till March 21, 2019 – Garching b. München, Germany

Assessing Solution Quality of 3SAT on a Quantum Annealing Platform

Thomas Gabor (LMU Munich, Germany); Sebastian Zielinski (LMU Munich, Germany); Sebastian Feld (LMU Munich, Germany); Christoph Roch (LMU Munich, Germany); Christian Seidel (MVI Proplant, Germany); Florian Neukart (Volkswagen Group of America, USA); Isabella Galter (Volkswagen Data:Lab, Germany); Wolfgang Mauerer (OTH Regensburg; Siemens Corporate Research); Claudia Linnhoff-Popien (LMU Munich, Germany)



Video recordings of all four days are online now.

Best Paper Award NetSys 2019

The Best Paper Award of NetSys 2019 has been awarded for the Paper KOMon - Kernel-based Online Monitoring of VNF Packet Processing Times

Best Demo Award NetSys 2019

The Best Demo/Poster Award of NetSys 2019 has been awarded for the Demo GPU Accelerated Planning and Placement of Edge Clouds

Gold Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor & Student Supporter

Sponsoring Scientific Organizations